Write a script to replace 20% lines in a C file randomly and replace it with the pattern
<<doc Name:Omprakash A Timashetti Date:24/08/2022 Description:Write a script to replace 20% lines in a C file randomly and replace it with the pattern Sample Execution: 1. ./replace_DEL.sh main.c Before replacing #incude <stdio.h> int main() { printf(“Hello world\n”); } After replacing #incude <stdio.h> int main() { <-----------Deleted------------> } 2. ./replace_DEL.sh main1.c Error : No such a file. 3. ./replace_DEL.sh main2.c Error : main2.c is empty file. So can’t replace the string. 4. ./replace_DEL.sh Error : Please pass the file name through command line. doc #!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 0 ] #check for command line argument passed or not then if [ -f $1 ] ...