Display the longest and shortest user-names on the system



Name : Omprakash A Timashetti

Date :20/08/2022

Description :Display the longest and shortest user-names on the system

Sample Input :./largestst_username.sh

Sample Output :The Longest Name is: speech-dispatcher

               The Shortest Name is:lp


Array=($(cut -d ":" -f1 /etc/passwd))

smallest=${Array[0]}                                            #initialize small with first user name

largest=${Array[0]}                                             #initialize large with first user name

for i in `seq 1  $((${#Array[@]}-1))`                           #looping number of user


    if [ ${#largest} -lt  ${#Array[$i]} ]                       #condition to Check for largest user name




    if [ ${#smallest} -gt  ${#Array[$i]} ]                      #Condition to check fo the smallest user name





echo "The Longest Name is: $largest"                            #Largest user name

echo "The smallest Name is:$smallest"                           #smallest user name 


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