Given album name and corresponding directory, this scripts renames the jpg files with new name passed through command line



Name : Omprakash A Timashetti

Date : 18/08/2022

Description :Given album name and corresponding directory, this scripts renames the jpg files with new name passed through command line

Sample Execution:

Before executing the script

$ ls

DSN001.jpg DSN002.jpg DSN003.jpg DSN004.jpg DSN005.jpg

1) ./ day_out

All .jpg files in current directory is renamed as

day_out001.jpg day_out002.jpg day_out003.jpg day_out005.jpg day_out004.jpg

2) ./

Error : Please pass the prefix name through command line.


echo "Before executing the script"

ls                               #Get the directory content before executing the script

if [ $# -eq 1 ]                              #Check for command line argument


    array=(`ls *.jpg`)                       #Get only .jpg file and store it in array

    for i in ${array[@]}                    


        num=`echo $i | tr -cd [:digit:]`    #get if any digit in filename

        mv $i $1$num.jpg                    #Change file name to new name


    echo "All .jpg files in current directory is renamed as"

    ls                                      #All .jpg file renamed as name passed through command line 


echo "Error : Please pass the prefix name through command line."



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