Write script to print contents of file from given line number to next given number of lines




Name : Omprakash A Timashetti

Date : 16/08/2022

Description :Write script to print contents of file from given line number to next given number of lines.

Sample Input :./print_lines.sh 5 3 myfile.txt

Sample Output :line number 5

               line number 6

               line number 7

Sample Input :./print_lines.sh myfile.txt

Sample Output :Error: arguments missing!

               Usage: ./file_filter.sh start_line upto_line filename

               For eg. ./file_filter.sh 5 5 <file>

Sample Input :./print_lines.sh 5 10 myfile.txt

Sample Output :Error: data.txt is having only 10 lines. file should have atleast 14 lines


if [ $# -eq 3 ]                      #Check for the command line Arguments



lines=$(cat $3 | wc -l)              #Get the number of lines ina file

if [ $lines -lt $total ]             #Comppare number of lines in file and required number of lines  


    echo "Error: $3 is having only $lines lines. file should have atleast $total lines"


head -$total $3 | tail -$2          #print the contents of file from given line number to next given number of lines


else                                #Error if Arguments are not passed

    echo "Error: arguments missing!"

    echo "Usage: ./file_filter.sh start_line upto_line filename"

    echo "For eg. ./file_filter.sh 5 5 <file>"



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