Write a script to print the length of each and every string using arrays



Name : Omprakash A Timashetti

Date : 16/08/2022

Description : Write a script to print the length of each and every string using arrays

Sample Input :./string_length.sh hello hai how are you?

Sample Output :Length of string (hello) - 5

               Length of string (hai) - 3

               Length of string (how) - 3

               Length of string (are) - 3

               Length of string (you?) - 4

Sample Input  :./string_length.sh

Sample Output : Error : Please pass the arguments through command-line.


if [ $# -ne 0 ]                                                  #Check for command line Arguments


    Array=( $@ )                                                 #Assigning Value to Array 

    for i in `seq 0 $((${#Array[*]}-1))`                         #Get number of Elements


        echo "Length of string (${Array[$i]}) - ${#Array[$i]}"  #Print the elements and Length of element




    echo "Error : Please pass the arguments through command-line." #Print error message if Command Line Arguments are not Passed



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