Write a script to sort a given number in ascending or descending order



Name:Omprakash A Timashetti


Description :Write a script to sort a given number in ascending or descending order 

Sample Input1:./sorting.sh -a 5 4 6 2 3 8 9 7 1

Sample Output :Ascending order of array is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Sample Input2 :./sorting.sh -d 5 4 6 2 3 8 9 7 1

Sample Output2 :Descending order of array is 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1

Sample Input3:./sorting.sh 5 4 6 2 3 8 9 7 1

Sample Output3 :Error : Please pass the choice.

                Usage : ./sorting -a/-d 4 23 5 6 3

Sample Input4: ./sorting.sh

Sample Output:Error : Please pass the argument through command line.

              Usage : ./sorting -a/-d 4 23 5 6 3

Sample Input5:./sorting.sh -d 5 4 6 2 -3 8 -9 7 1

Sample Output : Descending order of array is 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 -3 -9


if [ $# -ne 0 ]                                        #check for command line argument passed or not


Array=($@)                                             #Store the command line argument  in an array

option=$1                                              #Get option for ascending and descending

case $option in                                        #case statement for Ascending and descending 


     for i in `seq $(($#-1))`                          #Ascending given Array  


        for j in `seq 1 $(($#-$i-1))`                  


           if [ ${Array[$j]} -gt ${Array[$(($j+1))]} ]   #if  array number grater than next number swap number

           then                                          #store in array







      echo "Ascending order of array is ${Array[@]:1} "      #Display the given array in Ascending order



       for i in `seq $(($#-1))`                             #Case statement for descending order


           for j in `seq 1 $(($#-$i-1))`


               if [ ${Array[$j]} -lt ${Array[$(($j+1))]} ]    #Condition for the value less than next value


               small=${Array[$j]}                             #If less than swap the values and store it in array






       echo "Descending order of array is ${Array[@]:1}"      #Display ths descending order of array



      echo "Error : Please pass the choice."

      echo "Usage : ./sorting -a/-d 4 23 5 6 3"





      echo "Error : Please pass the argument through command line."

      echo "Usage : ./sorting -a/-d 4 23 5 6 3"



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